How Diet Affects Depression?

How Diet Affects Depression?

Diet affects depression by influencing brain chemicals like serotonin; high sugar and carb intake boosts mood. The connection between diet and mental health is profound. Research shows that consuming a diet high in processed foods, often referred to as the “western dietary pattern,” is linked to an increased risk of depression, ADHD, and cognitive issues….

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Which Diet is Best for Heart Health?

Which Diet is Best for Heart Health?

A heart-healthy diet involves eating less saturated fat, reducing sodium, and increasing fibre intake. Foods to avoid include high-fat dairy, processed meats, and sugary drinks. Embracing a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and olive oil is widely recommended for optimal heart health. This diet emphasizes lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and nuts…

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Why is It Important to Maintain a Healthy Diet And Exercise Regularly?

Why is It Important to Maintain a Healthy Diet And Exercise Regularly?

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising are crucial for overall physical and mental well-being. These practices help prevent weight gain, promote weight loss, improve sleep, and enhance mood, leading to a healthier lifestyle. Eating nutrient-rich foods and engaging in physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By…

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